March 16, 2020


Parents and Guardians,


Thank you for your patience and flexibility in this difficult time.  As you know, we made the tough decision to close school during this outbreak to slow the spread throughout communities.  Even though we are not in school, we have a responsibility to continue to ensure our students meet standards and get an education they deserve.  To help students, we have asked our teaching staff to put together lessons for students to work on at home.  I have asked teachers to submit these plans to the office by Wednesday afternoon so parents can come in Thursday to pick up these packets.  Each student will have an individual packet of work to complete over this extended break.  The expectation is for students to bring back the work when they return to school. 


The office will be open from 8 - 4pm on Thursday, March 19th for parents to come in to pick up the work.  Reminder, we are also giving out free Grab and Go lunches from 11-12 pm daily if you want to grab a breakfast and lunch for the kids when you are picking up the school work.



Thank you,



Troy Miller


Arcohe School