We are writing to let you know that due to the continued risk of the Coronavirus, we have decided to extend the closure of school until at least May 1. This decision was made in conjunction with the Sacramento County Office of Education with the strong support of the Sacramento Public Health Department. To continue to educate students, we will be asking parents to pick up work packets on Thursday, April 9th from 8AM to 6PM and on Friday, April 10 from 8-noon. At this time, we will also be checking out Chromebooks or IPads to families who do not have devices at home along with mobile hotspots to use the internet. Classes will begin to teach new material and many classes will use online resources. More information about your specific teacher’s plans will be included in the curriculum packets. At this pickup, please remember to bring back any library books you still may have at home. Thank you and please stay safe.
Have a great weekend!