School Closure Plans

April 1, 2020

Parents and Guardians,

As the school closure has been extended, we will be holding our second round of student work pick up on Thursday, April 9 from 10AM – 6PM and Friday, April 10 from 8AM – 12PM.  All students will have something to pick up at this time, so we need all families to come by.  Also, during this time, we will have a station set up for families to check out a Chromebook or iPad and sign up for a mobile hotspot, if you have indicated you need one. If you need a device or hotspot, you need to indicate it on the survey we sent out previously.  If you have not filled out the survey, it takes less than a minute to complete.

Go to:

Only the families that have indicated a need will be able to get a device during this first round, so please fill out the survey prior to the event.  If you miss out on a device this time, we will have a station set up every Thursday from 10AM – 12PM. 

If the school closure continues, we will schedule future dates to pick up student work.  A lot of classes will be using Google Classroom as their method of instruction so it is possible you will only need to come during this first pickup date.  

Thank you,



Troy Miller


Arcohe School